How To Invert Colors In Canva? (4 Easy Ways!)

How To Invert Colors In Canva
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I know how frustrating it can be when you’re designing in Canva and you just can’t seem to get the colors quite right.

The sad news is there is no direct tool to invert your image colors in one click just like Photoshop.

But the good news is that Canva has a few simple tools that can help you find the perfect color shade for your image- just like the Invert Colors feature.

In just a few clicks, you can go from a dull design to one with vibrant, eye-catching colors.

So in this quick guide, I’ll walk you through exactly how to invert colors in Canva.

Whether you’re creating graphics, presentations, posters, or any other visual content, this trick can take your designs up a notch!

Let’s dive in and I’ll show you step-by-step “How To Invert Colors In Canva.”

Read our massive 34+ Canva Tips and Tricks that will make your daily designing a lot easier

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How To Invert Colors In Canva (All Possible Methods)

Canva does not have a direct feature for Inverting the colors of an image.

However, by following the methods below you will be able to invert the colors of an image to a certain extent.

1. Use Tint Adjustment

Open or create a new design from the Canva homepage.

After opening your design in the Canva editor, click on the image whose colors you want to invert.

  • Note: If your design does not have any images then upload your own by clicking on the ‘Uploads’ button from the left sidebar. Or click on the ‘Photos’ button to use a Canva stock photo.
click on edit photo

After selecting the image, click on the ‘Edit Photo’ button from the top toolbar. An editing panel will open on the left-hand side, click on the ‘Adjust’ button to open new adjustments.

From the adjustment menu, drag the ‘Tint’ slider from left to right depending on what color you want to add to your image.

For example, I want my image to have a ‘Purple’ tint. So, I will drag the ‘Tint’ slider towards the right-hand side.

Drag The Tint Slider

Now under the ‘Color’ subheading, drag the ‘Saturation’ slider left or right to decrease or increase the saturation of the image in front of you.

Edit The saturation of the image
  • Note: In this way, you can drag the sliders of all the adjustments to invert the color of the image as much as possible.

2. Apply Duotone Effect

You can also give your image a colorful look by applying the Duotone effect.

Click on the image and then on the ‘Edit Photo’ button from the top toolbar. From the editing panel on the left-hand side, click on the ‘Duotone’ effect button under the ‘Fx Effects’ section.

click on duotone effect

From the new menu, click on the thumbnail of the color that you want to apply to your image.

For example, I want to make my image blue in color. So, I will click on the ‘Sea Blue’ thumbnail.

Click On A Color

Now you will notice three adjustment options below the selected color on the left-hand side.

You can drag the ‘Intensity’ slider towards the left-hand side to decrease the opacity of the color on the image.

Drag The Intensity Slider

To adjust the highlights of the image, click on the ‘Highlights’ button and then drag the slider over the color of your liking. You can also enter the ‘Hex Code’ of your desired color.

click on highlights button
  • Note: You can also adjust the shadow of the image by clicking on the ‘Shadows’ button and then following the process explained above.

3. Apply Color Pop Filters

The easiest method for changing the color of an image is to apply color pop filters.

Click on the image and then on the ‘Edit Photo’ button from the top toolbar. Now from the editing panel, click the ‘See All’ button under the ‘Filters’ section.

click on see all button

Now all the Canva filters will open in front of you. Scroll through the filter menu to look for the ‘Color Pop’ section.

Under the ‘Color Pop’ section, click on any filter you like the most.

click on a color pop filter

For example, I will click on the ‘Heatwave’ filter for demonstration purposes.

After selecting a color pop filter, an ‘Intensity’ slider will appear at the bottom of the selected filter.

Now you can use the ‘Intensity’ slider to adjust the opacity of the filter as mentioned above.

4. Apply Color Mix

You can also use Color Mix to change the hues of the selected image. But to get access to that feature, we have to revert back to the old editor.

Click on the image and then on the ‘Edit Photo’ button from the top toolbar. Now click on the ‘Click Here’ button from the end of the editing panel.

click on edit photo button

Canva will ask your permission to revert back to the old editor, so click on the ‘Revert To The Old Editor’ button.

Then your screen will load for a few seconds before getting back to normal.

click on Revert To The Old Editor button

Again, click on the image and then on the ‘Edit Photo’ button from the top toolbar. But this time the old editor will open in the editing panel.

Click On Color Mix Button

Under the ‘You May Also Like’ section, click on the ‘Color Mix’ button. Canva will now ask for your permission to open the ‘Color Mix’ menu, click on the ‘Open’ button.

click on open button

From the ‘Color Mix’ menu, click on an effect that you like the most to change the tone of the selected image.

click on an option

To customize it further, click on the selected effect again to open controls.

open controls

Then you can drag the slider of the ‘Amount’ or ‘Offset’ controllers to customize the image further.

click on apply button

Lastly, click on the ‘Apply’ button at the end to apply all the changes to the picture.

  • Note: After inverting the colors of the image by following any above methods, download your design on the computer by clicking on the ‘Share’ button from the top right corner of the screen.

FAQ- How To Invert Colors In Canva

Below are a few frequently asked questions:

Can You Invert An Image On Canva?

Yes, you can invert an image on Canva. Click on the image and then on the ‘Flip’ button from the top toolbar.

Now a new menu will open in front of you. Click on the ‘Flip Horizontal’ button to flip your image horizontally or on the ‘Flip Vertical’ button to flip your image vertically.

How Do I Change The Color Of Text In Canva?

To change the color of a text in Canva, click on the text to select it and then on the ‘Text Color’ button from the top toolbar. Now a color menu will open on the left-hand side.

Click on a default color to change the existing color of the text or use the color picker slider to create a new one.

Before You Leave

That covers the basics of inverting and changing colors in Canva!

Hopefully, this gave you a good overview of how to quickly change and invert image colors in Canva. It’s a really handy trick for making designs pop.

I find that inverted colors work well for drawing attention to key elements in a graphic or presentation. It adds great contrast.

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions regarding this.

I’m always happy to help you out.

Thanks for reading, and happy designing!

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