How To Make Two Columns In Canva (Step By Step!)

How To Make Two Columns In Canva
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Looking to create a perfect multi-column design in Canva but not sure where to start?

I’ve been there before!

I remember my first attempt ending up all crooked and uneven – not a great look!

But with a few simple Canva features, you can easily learn how to make two columns in canva in no time.

No special tricks are needed!

In this quick tutorial, I’ll show you how I use lines, shapes, and tables to make two columns in Canva.

So, keep reading!

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How To Make Two Columns In Canva (Step By Step)

Here are the steps for making two columns in Canva:

1. Open a Design Type

Click on the ‘Create a Design’ button from the top right corner of the Canva homepage.

Scroll through various design types from the new menu or use the top search bar to search for your specific design type.

create a design

Click on the design type of your liking to get redirected to a blank canvas.

Note: you can create columns in any design type. So, it does not matter which design type you click on.

2. Add Columns To Your Design

There are four ways to add a column to your design. Let’s have a look at each of them:

a) Add Table Element

Once you have a blank canvas in front of you, click on the ‘Elements’ button from the left sidebar.

Then search for ‘Tables’ from the top search bar and click on the ‘See All’ button opposite the tables section.

search for tables

Now you will get access to Canva’s pre-made tables, scroll through the table section and click on the table you like the most to add it to your design.

Once you have your table on the canvas, drag the ‘Resizing’ handles outwards to make the table bigger in size.

resize the table

If you are not satisfied with the number of columns in the table, then you can click on the ‘3 Dots’ icon near the boundary box to get access to more editing tools.

Click on the ‘Add Column’ button from the new menu to add an additional column to your table.

add a column

If you want to decrease the number of columns on your table, click on the ‘Delete Column’ button to delete a column.

Delete A Column

In this way, you can customize the number of columns according to your preference.

b) Create a Custom Table

But what If you want to create a specific number of columns and don’t want to spend time customizing a pre-existing table?

Don’t worry, you can create a custom table as well.

Click on your empty canvas and then on the ‘/’ key from your keyboard and a search box will appear in front of you.

search for custom table

Search for the ‘Table’ from the top search bar and then press the ‘Enter’ key from your keyboard.

Now move your cursor over the columns and rows and it will turn blue in color, indicating that they are selected.

For example, I want my table to have 2 columns and 3 rows, so I will drag my cursor accordingly on the table format (refer to the screenshot below).

Highlight The columns

Highlight the number of columns and rows by moving your cursor over them and then right-click on it to create a custom table on your canvas.

custom table

Note: After creating a custom table, you can again click on the ‘3 Dot’ button to customize your table further.

c) Use Lines To Create Columns

You can also use a line element to create columns.

Click on the ‘Elements’ button from the left sidebar and then search for ‘Lines’ from the top search bar.

Click on the line from the new menu to add it to your design.

search for a line

Now you will notice a very thin line on your design which will not look good while creating a column.

So, click on the ‘Line Style’ button from the top toolbar. And move the ‘Line Weight’ slider towards the right-hand side to make the line thicker.

drag the line weight slider

If you want to create two columns then drag the ‘Resizing’ handle from both sides to stretch the line.

And then drag the resized line on the top of the canvas.

Resize The Line

Now click on the ‘Duplicate’ button from the top of the line to duplicate the existing line and then drag the ‘Rotation’ icon to rotate the line at 90 degrees.

Duplicate The Line

Drag and position the rotated line at one endpoint of the pre-existing line.

Rotate The Line

Then drag one end of the rotated line upwards to make the line shorter in size so that it can fit inside your canvas.

position the rotated line

Note: In the same way, duplicate and position the lines to create a box (refer to the screenshot) below.

create a box

After creating a box, click on the ‘Duplicate’ button again to duplicate a vertical line. And then drag that vertical line in the middle of the box.

Duplicate The vertical Line

Position the line in a way that splits the box in half. And now you will have two equally sized columns in front of you.

Position It In The middle of the box

d) Use Squares To Create Columns

Click on the ‘Elements’ button from the left sidebar and then search for ‘Square’ from the top search bar.

Now click on the square to add it to your design.

search for square

Once you have a square on your canvas, click on the ‘Border Style’ button from the top toolbar.

Then drag the ‘Border Weight’ slider towards the right-hand side to make your border thicker.

drag border weight slider

After making your border thicker, click on the ‘Color’ button from the top toolbar.

Then from the new menu, click on the white color to change the existing color of your square.

click on white color

Once you change the color of your square, stretch the top and bottom ‘Resizing’ handles to make it bigger in size.

resize your square

After resizing your square, click on the ‘Duplicate’ button to duplicate your element.

Duplicate Your Element

Then drag and position your duplicated element besides your pre-existing element (refer to the screenshot below).

Position Your Element

In this way, you will be able to create two columns.

Note: Keep clicking on a duplicate button to create as many columns as you need.

3. Download Your Design

After creating columns using any above methods, click on the ‘Share’ button and then on the ‘Download’ button.

click on share button

From the download settings, set your file type and then again click on the ‘Download’ button at the end.

download your design

FAQ- How To Make Two Columns In Canva

Below are a few frequently asked questions:

How Do You Split Cells In Canva?

To split cells in Canva, click on the merged cell and then on the ‘3 Dots’ button near the boundary box. From the new menu, click on the ‘Unmerge Cell’ button to split the selected cell.

Can You Add Guides In Canva?

Yes, you can add guides in Canva by clicking on the ‘File’ button from the top of the screen. Then click on the ‘View Settings’ button to get access to a new menu in front of you.

Either click on the ‘Add Guides’ or ‘Show Ruler And Guide’ button to add a guide to your design in Canva.

Before You Leave

Now you know how to make two columns in Canva using lines, squares, and tables.

A few extra tips from my side: duplicate squares or lines to mark off columns and make thick borders to define the columns cleanly.

With these simple tricks, you can build as many clean, consistent columns as you need!

Feel free to comment below if you need any other Canva pointers, I am always here to help you out.

Thank You

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