How To Make Shopify Store Not Live (Pause Shopify Store!!)

How to make shopify store not live
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If you’re like many Shopify store owners, you may have started with a store that’s incomplete or just not ready to go live.

Maybe you’re still developing the store and don’t have all the features ready yet. In any case, it is not a good idea to keep your incomplete store live while you are still working on it.

So in this article, we are going to talk about some methods by which you can unpublish or pause your Shopify store for a while.

How To Make Shopify Store Not Live

There are a few different ways to pause or unpublish your Shopify store. One way is to password protect your store. This will make your store inaccessible to the public, and visitors will need to enter the correct password to view your store.

Another way to unpublish your store is by canceling your Shopify subscription for a temporary period of time. This will make your store unavailable to the public and customers, but you will still be able to access it and manage it from the Shopify admin.

And you can reopen your shop anytime later.

So let’s take a look at how to make the Shopify store not live.

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Pausing or Deactivating Your store

If you’re taking a break from your business, or just need to make some changes to your store, you can pause or deactivate your Shopify store. When your store is paused, the checkout will be disabled means they cannot place any order however they can still see your products.

To pause or deactivate your store:

1. Log in to your Shopify account.

2. Click Settings and then Plan and permissions.

3. Under Store status, select Pause Store.

4. Click Save.

You can also cancel your plan and deactivate your Shopify store by following these steps:

1. Log in to your Shopify account.

2. Click on Settings from the bottom left sidebar

3. Now click on Plan and select Deactivate Store

4. Now select Cancel Subscription And Deactivate Store from the popup

Now your plan will be canceled and your store will be deactivated.

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Password Protect Shopify Store

Setting a password for your Shopify store is an easy way to make it inaccessible to customers. This can be helpful if you need to take your store offline for maintenance.

To password protect your Shopify store, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Shopify account and click on Online Store from the left sidebar.

2. Scroll down and find the Password Protection section

3. Tick Enable password and enter your password in the password field

4. You can also add a message to your buyers to inform them about the shop maintenance

5. Click on Save from the bottom of the page.

If I Close My Shopify Store Will I Still Be Charged?

Many people are concerned about being charged after deactivating their Shopify account.

If you close your store before the next billing date, you won’t be charged the following month.

When you cancel your shop after a trial period, the same thing happens. In order to grow your website and expand your company, remember to unsubscribe from any supporting applications you’ve purchased.

After completing all of these steps, you will lose access to your domains, if you’re transferring or re-creating your Shopify shop, be sure to transfer them before closing it.

When it comes to making the choice to close your Shopify store, the most common reason is either lack of time or fewer sales.

If this seems like something you’re going through, we have a solution for you.

Instead of completely deleting your shop, you may opt to pause it. The monthly cost of running your paused store is $14/mo. As previously stated, this implies that your consumer may explore your shop but not purchase anything.

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If I Close My Shopify Store, Can I Reopen It Later?

If you’ve made the decision to close your Shopify store, you may be wondering if you can reopen it at a later date. The good news is that you can reactivate your store at any time.

However, before closing your store, we recommend you export your data so that you can import it into your new store later on. This will ensure that all of your products, customers, and other data are preserved.

If you’re not sure how to export your data, Shopify has a helpful guide that explains the process in detail. Once you have a backup of your data, you can safely close your store and reactivate it at any time in the future.

How to remove storefront password Shopify?

After your Shopify shop is ready to go live, one of the last steps is to remove the storefront password. To do so, go to your Shopify admin, go to the online store, and then click on preferences. You should look for the password page settings here and uncheck the option to activate the password page. Now all you have to do is click Save Changes. Your storefront’s password has been successfully erased.


In conclusion, by following the simple steps in this article, you can make your Shopify store not live. This can be a great solution if you need to take your store offline temporarily or if you are experiencing problems with your store. Just be sure to follow the steps carefully so that you do not experience any problems with your store later on.

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