How To Group And Ungroup Elements On Canva (Easy!!)

how to group on canva
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Canva is an online designing platform that enables users to create professional-quality graphics.

Users can create various types of graphics, from posters and flyers to web graphics and social media posts. It also allows users to group and ungroup elements on the platform, making it easy to manage large projects.

One of the best features of Canva is its ability to group elements. Grouping elements in a design can make a project more organized and easier to manage.

In this article, we will show you how to group and ungroup elements on Canva.

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How to Group On Canva

On Canva, you can group elements to move, resize and duplicate them as a group. But how to group elements in canva? Well, here are some methods to help you out.

Method 1: Temporarily Group Elements Using Mouse

When you have multiple elements that you want to move together, you can drag your cursor and select all of the objects at once.

After they’re selected a selection border will appear, then you can move them around as one unit by clicking and dragging anywhere on the page.

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how to group on canva

This is a great way to quickly reorganize your design and create a composition.

The drawback of this method is that if you accidentally click outside of the selected border, the elements will ungroup.

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Method 2: Temporarily Group Elements Using Keyboard Shortcut

To temporarily group elements, press the Shift key and select the elements that you want to group with your mouse.

A dotted box will appear around the selected elements. Remember to hold down the Shift key while you keep selecting individual elements to add to the existing group.

how to group in canva

By temporarily grouping related elements, you can quickly try out different combinations and color schemes.

If an idea doesn’t work, the elements can be ungrouped and tried again. To ungroup the selected elements, just release the shift key, and with the help of a mouse click anywhere on the screen.

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Method 3: Group and Ungroup Elements Permanently

For grouping elements permanently, you have to first temporarily group them.

This can be done by using the above 2 methods. You can either temporarily group elements using a mouse or keyboard shortcuts.

After temporarily grouping all the elements, click on the ‘3 Dot‘ button in the top right corner. For big screens (1920 x 1080Px or more), you won’t find the 3 dots option, instead, you will directly get the “Group” button line in my case below..

how to group on canva

A few options will appear on the screen, just click on the ‘Group’ button to permanently group all the elements.

Or you can just use keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + G for Windows, and Command + G for Mac to permanently group all the elements in an easy way.

If you want to ungroup the elements, just click the ‘Ungroup’ button.

This option will appear when you click on the ‘3 Dot’ button. Or you can use keyboard shortcuts for ungrouping the elements.

Press Ctrl + Shift + G for Windows and Command + Shift + G for Mac.

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How To Group and Ungroup Canva Elements In Android/IOS

Canva is a versatile graphic design tool that can be used on both Android and iOS devices.

Although the basic functions are the same on both platforms, there are some small differences in the way things are done.

In android/ IOS, you have to press and hold the element for a little while that you want to group until a dotted line appears around it.

To add more elements to your groups, click on the ‘3 Dot’ button to get access to multiple options.

Keep your eye out for the ‘Select Multiple‘ option and then click it. Now you can add multiple elements to your group by simply clicking on them.

The process of ungrouping elements is also very simple in android/IOS, you have to follow the same instructions that you followed while grouping them.

But this time when you will click on the ‘3 Dot’ button, you will get the ‘Ungroup‘ option instead of ‘Group‘. Click on the ‘Ungroup’ option to ungroup all the elements and get back to normal.

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How do group photos on canva?

Well, keep pressing the ‘Shift Key’ and select all the photos that you want to group with the help of your mouse.

Then click on the ‘3 Dot’ button located on the top of the screen, and a list of options will appear. Click on the ‘Group’ option to group all the photos on canva.

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How to group text boxes on canva?

To group text boxes on canvas, drag your cursor and select all of the boxes at once.

After they’re selected a selection border will appear, now you can move them around as one unit by clicking and dragging anywhere on the page.

By grouping elements together, you can achieve a more balanced design that looks better as a whole.

How to group in canva using the phone?

In your phone, press and hold the element for a little while that you want to group until a dotted line appears around it. click on the ‘3 Dot’ button to get access to multiple options.

Keep your eye out for the ‘Select Multiple’ option and click it. Now you can select all the other elements that you want to group.

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In conclusion, grouping and ungrouping elements on Canva is an easy task that can help you create stunning designs.

This is an easy way to get the exact layout you need for your project, without having to go through the effort of editing each element.

You can group and ungroup elements on canva in 2 easy ways. Firstly, group elements using a mouse, and secondly, group elements using keyboard shortcuts.

Both methods are highly effective and easy to use. It is recommended to try out both the methods and select the one which works best for you.

lastly, feel free to comment below if you have any queries or doubts. We will be happy to answer them right away. Thank you

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