How To Add Hyperlink In Canva (Easy Steps!)

how to add hyperlink in canva
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Adding clickable links to your Canva designs is a great way to direct your viewers to your website, landing pages, or social media handles.

But a lot of people face difficulty while adding hyperlinks to their canva designs.

Don’t worry! I am here to help with a simple tutorial on how to add hyperlinks in Canva.

Well for the people who don’t know, clickable links that lead users to a page, external website, social media, etc are called hyperlinks.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to add hyperlinks in Canva designs and make them dynamic so that you can take full benefit of your designs!

Also Read: How To Make A Vision Board On Canva

How To Add Hyperlink In Canva (Short Answer)

Adding clickable links in Canva is super easy. Just single click on the image, text, or graphic you want to link, then right-click and click on the link option from the right-click menu.

Note: You can also use the shortcut key Ctrl/Cmnd + K to add a link.

Paste in the website address you want to link to or choose another page in your Canva project. And boom!

Export as a PDF and you’ve got yourself a clickable link.

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How To Add a Link In Canva On Windows or Mac (Step By Step)

Here is a step-by-step guide to adding links to design in canva and the fun part is that you don’t even need a canva pro account in order to add a clickable link to your canva document.

1. Visit Canva & Login

Open the Canva website in your internet browser and log into your account.

If you don’t have a Canva account you can also create one by clicking on the SIgn Up button from the top right corner of the screen.

2. Open Your Design Or Create a New One

Once logged in, you’ll see the Canva homepage with design templates and options to start a new project.

Open up the Canva design from the recent design section where you want to add a hyperlink.

If you do not have a design yet, click on the “Create a Design” button from the top right corner and choose a template to create a blank Canvas.

3. Select The Element You Want To Hyperlink

Now, click on the text box, image, or graphic that you want to make clickable.

select the element

This selects the element. You’ll see a blue border appear around the selected item.

4. Add The Hyperlink

Once the element is selected, right-click on the element and select the “link” option.

Click On Link

A pop-up window will open where you can enter the URL of the site or page you want the hyperlink to go to.

Type or paste the URL into this field. For example, if you want the link to go to, enter “” into the box.

Add Your Link

Once you’ve added the URL, hit the Enter key on your keyboard or click the “Done” button at the bottom of the pop-up window.

How To Add A Link To Another Page In Your PDF Document

Along with linking to external sites, you can also link to other pages within your Canva document. This is really useful if you’re designing a long report, ebook, whitepaper, or other multi-page project.

For example, you could hyperlink your table of contents or chapter names to the relevant pages in the document.

That way readers can seamlessly navigate by clicking instead of having to scroll around and search manually.

To link to another page:

  • Select the text element you want to be clickable.
Right Click and Click On Link
  • Right-click and click on the link option.
  • Under “Pages In This Document” section, choose the destination page.
Add Your Page Which You Want To Link To

Now the text will be hyperlinked to that specific page.

Page is Successfully Hyperlinked

If someone clicks on that link, he will be redirected to that particular page.

How To Export Canva Designs with Hyperlinks

Once you’ve added all your hyperlinks, the last important step is to download your design correctly so the links remain functional.

To keep your hyperlinks clickable, it is compulsory to Export your Canva design as a PDF file.

Unlike a JPEG or PNG file, exporting as a PDF will maintain the links without flattening them. 

Follow the steps to export your canva designs as PDF along with the hyperlinks:

Step 1: Click on the “Share” button from the top right corner of the screen and then click the “Download” option from the drop-down menu.

how to download canva files with hyperlinks

Step 2: Now select your file type as “PDF”, there are 2 types of PDF file types inside Canva:

  • Use “Standard PDF” for smaller email files.
  • Use “Print PDF” for maximum quality for printing purposes if file size doesn’t matter.
Select the file type as pdf

Step 3: Now, select specific pages to download if you don’t want the full document.

select the pages

Step 4: Make sure to uncheck the “Flatten PDF” option. This removes hyperlinks.

Step 5: Finally click on the Download button to download your document along with the hyperlinks.

Download your PDF

After downloading, open the pdf document and click on the hyperlinks to verify they still work properly.

And that’s all there is to it! By following this export process, your hyperlinks will function correctly in the final PDF file.

How To Hyperlink On Canva Mobile?

You can also add hyperlinks in canva designs with your mobile device.

On Android

Adding hyperlinks on the Canva app for Android is nearly the same process:

  1. Open the Canva app on your Android device and log in.
  2. Open up the Canva project where you want to add a hyperlink.
  3. Tap on the text, image, or graphic that should be hyperlinked to select it.
  4. Slide the bottom menu to the left and click on the 3 dots that says “More”
  5. Slide the menu to the left again and click on “Link” option.
  6. A URL field will pop up where you can paste or enter the link.
  7. Tap “Done” once you’ve added the URL.

The link is added! Make sure to export it as a PDF file when finished.

On iPhone

Finally, here are the steps for iPhone:

  1. Open the Canva app on your iPhone and log in to your account.
  2. Select the Canva design you want to edit.
  3. Tap on the element you want to hyperlink.
  4. At the bottom of the screen, tap on the “Link” option (chain link icon).
  5. Type or paste the URL in the pop-up field.
  6. Tap “Done” to add the hyperlink.

And your clickable link is ready to go! Export your finished design as a PDF.

How To Remove Links In Canva

Made a mistake while adding hyperlinks in your canva design?

No worries – it’s just as easy to remove a hyperlink in Canva as it is to add one.

To quickly delete a hyperlink:

Login To Your Canva In Your Device

Open Canva and login to your account

Open the design from where you want to remove the hyperlink

Once the design is opened, click on the element from where you want to remove the link.

Now after selecting the element, you will see a tooltip just above the element, click on the link icon from that tooltip.

website URL box containing your hyperlink will appear in front of you.

Now just click on the small trash icon below that and your link will be removed from that element.

The hyperlink will be removed, and you can add a new one or leave the element without a link.

FAQ On How To Hperlink In Canva

Although adding clickable links inside Canva is a very straightforward process, but you might have some doubts and questions in mind, so for you we have created this frequently asked questions section.

Can I add multiple clickable links in Canva?

Yes, you can add multiple clickable links in Canva. Follow the steps mentioned earlier for each element you want to hyperlink.

Why can’t I add a hyperlink in Canva?

If you are not able to add a hyperlink to an element inside Canva then there are high chances that the element must be locked, you need to first unlock it in order to add a hyperlink to it.

To unlock an element, click on the element and then click on the small “lock” icon to unlock it

What if I want to link to another Canva design?

If you’d like to link to another Canva design, you can do that too, just select the element that you want to link out to and click on the “link” option.
And there you will see the “Recent” section where you can find your recently created designs in Canva.
Click on the design that you want to link to and your hyperlink will be added.

Wrapping Up

So in summary, hyperlinking can be incredibly useful to create clickable, interactive designs!

Whether you want to link an image to an external site or connect your document pages with clickable text, hyperlinks help redirect viewers to useful destinations with a simple click.

Want to see some more quick canva hacks and tutorials? Try out our in depth guide on 34+ Canva Tips and Tricks.

And if you have any questions regarding adding how to add a link in canva then do comment down below.

I would love to help you out.

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